Commands are text written in chat that does special stuff. Commands start with a "/". The following commands are available:
- /help: Lists available commands.
- /terrainoverlay: Toggles the terrain geometry overlay.
- /visibility: Toggles visibility checks and minimap.
- /givecash: Gives the default or specified amount of money. ( if command is invalid, use /give-cash [amount] )
- /givecashall: Gives the default or specified amount of money to all players. ( if command is invalid, use /give-cash-all [amount] )
- /instantbuild: Toggles instant build.
- /buildanywhere: Toggles the ability to build anywhere.
- /unlimitedpower: Toggles infinite power.
- /enabletech: Toggles the ability to build everthing.
- /instantcharge: Toggles instant support power charging.
- /all: Toggles all cheats and gives $20000.
- /crash: Crashes the game.
- /levelup: Adds a specified number of level to selected actors.
- /poweroutage: Causes owner of selected actors to have 5 seconds of power outage.
- /pause: Pauses or unpauses the game.
- /surrender: Self-destructs everything and makes you lose the game.
- /debugcustomterrain: Toggles the custom terrain debug overlay.